Learn English – the difference between rather than and instead of


I have a sentence:

Please show me the right way so that I can do that rather than take blind action.

  1. Is this sentence grammatically correct?
  2. Can I use instead of to replace rather than? If replaced, the meaning of this sentence is changed?
  3. What is the difference between rather than and instead of? Can you show me some examples to distinguish them?

Best Answer

Instead of is used when you were given a plan and you want to change it. This phrase stresses more strongly you cannot choose both variants. Imagine you are building a football team with a limited number of 8 players and someone gives you a list of names. If you agree with his selection except for one name, you could say

I would choose Steve instead of Homer.

Rather than connotes a situation where you are asked about something and you like both options and you need to choose your favourite. Even though this also usually means you cannot choose both, rather than feels a bit more formal because it highlights you like one option, rather than dislike the other. Thus, if you use it in a sentence like

I want Betty to do the job, rather than Michelle.

you can lighten the weight of your choice.