Learn English – The difference between ‘Replay’ and ‘Replay!’


While writing content for a game, I got stuck in naming a button. Now, this button shows how the player played the game. Clicking this button will again play the recorded game that has just ended. This feature is to learn what all mistakes the player has made during the game.

Now, the button is little and one word is what it can occupy. I wrote 'Replay' because we have replays in baseball, cricket, lawn tennis, and the like.

The developer said that 'replay' also means 'Playing Again.' And, she's right! We don't want our gamers to get confused.

The word is the same: 'replay,' but it means two things: playing again and playing the recorded game that has just ended.

What solution you can think of?

Best Answer

On one hand it may seem a serious problem but on the other I came across this often in racing games like Porsche Unleashed, Most Wanted, FlatOut and etc.

There are a few solutions here.

  1. Leave the word as is "Replay" and remember that by pressing this button a player won't be angry with having to start the game again. Notice that in most games "Replay" means "watch the played game". If it were something like "Play again" or "Re-play" it would make more sense to worry.
  2. Use a different term instead of "Replay". In some games I remember coming across the verbs "Flashback" and "Play back", as well as "Review".
  3. Try a very different approach by using verbs like "Rewind" for instance.
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