Learn English – the difference between revenge and avenge


Please explain me. I tried the dictionaries but they do not help.

For example ODO gives the following for revenge:

  1. Inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to oneself:- I’ll be revenged on the whole pack of you

1.1 [WITH OBJECT] Inflict revenge on behalf of (someone else):
it’s a pity he chose that way to revenge his sister

1.2 Inflict retribution for (a wrong or injury done to oneself or another):
her brother was slain, and she revenged his death

… and it gives this for avenge:

1 Inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another):- he vowed in silent fervour to avenge their murders

1.1 Inflict harm in return for an injury or wrong on behalf of (oneself or another): – we must avenge our deadthey avenged themselves on the interlopers

As you can see these two sets of definitions seem interchangable.

Best Answer

Avenge is when you 'feel' that you are going to inflict hurt or harm on someone because to you that person was the one who caused harm to you (or someone / something close to you) first in a highly wrong and unprovoked manner, thereby 'settling' the score, to get 'even', to get justice done.

Revenge is the same reaction but can be thought of as just to inflict hurt or harm, because you feel angered, but there is hardly any evidence who is in the 'right'.