Learn English – the difference between “stressed” and “stressful”


"Stressed" and "Stressful"

are these two words both adjectives?

And what is the difference between the two?

In the dictionary it says:

stressed – feeling very worried or anxious.

stressful – full of or causing stress.

If you are worried or anxious, then aren't you full of stress?

So do these two sentences mean the same thing?

  • I am very stressed.
  • I am very stressful.

Best Answer

You are correct that both are adjectives, but both carry different meanings.

stressed - feeling very worried or anxious.

stressful - full of or causing stress.

Events or circumstances can be stressful, in that they cause somebody to feel stressed. In short, one is cause, and one is effect.

For example:

  • I had a stressful day at work today. (the day was stressful)

  • I was feeling pretty stressed because of the deadline at work today. (I felt stress because of work)