Learn English – the difference between these sentences? 1)Five and five make ten. 2)Five and five is ten


1)Five and five make ten.

2)Five and five is ten.

I am wondering why 'Five and five makes ten' is incorrect. Even though I know that 'Five and five make ten' is correct, I am unable to explain the reason to somebody in case I need to do so. Why 'five and five' in the second sentence is treated as singular while 'five and five' in the first is treated as plural?

Best Answer

In math, we speak of equations or equalities

5 + 5 = 10

The equation, the statement that two expressions yield the same value, can be expressed in natural language in several ways, the first, drawing attention to the equality:

Five plus five is ten.

Five plus five equals ten.

the second, drawing attention to the operation of addition:

Five plus five makes ten.

Five plus five adds up to ten.

Five plus five gives ten.

P.S. We can also say

Five plus five make ten, or add up to ten, or give ten.

The decision to use a singular or plural verb hangs on whether the speaker has in mind two distinct elements ("five ... five", understanding plus to mean "and") or a single expression as the subject, i.e. a singular noun linked by the word plus with another noun, as in "five augmented-by five ...".

These are also valid and grammatical:

five and five makes ten

five and five make ten

five and five is ten

five and five are ten

depending on the speaker's attitude towards the subject, whether it is compound, consisting of two nouns conjoined, or a single expression.

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