Learn English – the difference between ‘truck’,’lorry’ and ‘van’


What is the difference between 'truck,' lorry', and 'van'? Can I use them interchangeably?
I didn't see them in any context but I am a little bit confused about how to use them.
Thanks for answers.

Best Answer

They are all meant to mean different classes or sizes of goods vehicle. However, there are differences between US and British English. As I am British, I will use the definitions in BrEng as a starting point and note the US variations that I'm aware of. I welcome any comments to help me improve the definitions for US English.

  • A van is the smallest - the sort of vehicle a sole tradesman, such as a carpenter, might drive. There are different sizes of van, but they usually have just 4 wheels and don't require any special licence to drive them because they are not so much bigger than a car.

  • In British English, a truck is the middle class of these vehicles. An example of these might be the kind of vehicle used by delivery services like UPS, or what you would hire if you were moving home. They are large, but not so large that they couldn't travel on a suburban street. Again, most of these can be driven on a British car driver's licence. I note that in US English they call refuse collection vehicles "garbage trucks", which are a similar size and class.

  • A "lorry" is the largest, and may also be a called an articulated lorry or a heavy goods vehicle (HGV). These normally only travel on major roads and carry the largest quantities. In England, you also have to hold a special licence to drive them, making them a different class of vehicle. I note that in US English these seem to be called "trucks" and those who drive them "truckers".

To sum up - "van" and "lorry" are clearly different and refer to the smallest and largest vehicles of these classes. "Truck" seems to be a more generic word to describe the harder-to-define middle-size vehicles. Some of those middle-sized vehicles may get referred to as "vans" if they are not particularly large; likewise, some lorries get called "trucks".

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