Learn English – the difference between “would visit” and “would be visiting?”


What is the difference between these two:

I am busy tomorrow. If I had time, I would visit my grandparents.

I am busy tomorrow. If I had time, I would be visiting my

Best Answer

The second example is an example of "progressive" or "continuous" form: to be + -ing form of verb.

Simplifying, this form is used to indicate something happens over a length of time rather than talking about when it started, or something that only happens at a point in time.

It can also be used as a logical "stretch" when the speaker/writer wants to communicate that something is in progress or not yet complete.

Non-continuous form doesn't necessarily imply the opposite, though.

I am busy tomorrow. If I had time, I would visit my grandparents.

Means that if the speaker/writer had time, he/she would visit his/her grandparents sometime tomorrow. No implication as to how much of the day that would take.

I am busy tomorrow. If I had time, I would be visiting my grandparents.

Means any of:

  • If the speaker/writer had time, he/she would spend the whole day visiting his/her grandparents

  • Or at least spend a significant length of time from that day visiting.

  • Or the act of visiting his/her grandparents would take a significant length of time and he/she would dedicate part of the day to it. For example, it may take several hours to travel there and/or back.