Learn English – the difference in would have vs would have had


I knew i would have to do this

I would have had a good time if you came in the party

Both the sentences above sound correct
But i want some more examples

Best Answer

(Note that people come to parties, as in attend a social gathering. Coming in a party would be incorrect, or suggest another meaning of party, which now mostly is used in the context of a group or party of people arriving at a restaurant to be served.)

I would have had a good time if you came to the party

This means that the party has passed, and the person you're talking to did not attend the party. The speaker is saying that if the other person had come, they would have enjoyed it. They are also saying that they did not have a good time at the party.

I would have a good time if you came to the party

This mean that the party hasn't happened yet (or is still happening), and the speaker is saying that they will enjoy the party if the other person comes. This could be a slightly awkward way of expressing that they hope the other person comes (since it seems to hinge their enjoyment on the other person coming). Some more casual ways of expressing something like that would be, for example:

I hope you can come to the party or
I hope you can make it to the party