Learn English – The differences between “wanted” and “would want” and “would”


I'm a non-native speaker. In my mother tongue, we just have one verb to express "willing", so sometimes it's a puzzle to us Persians: What are the differences among "wanted" and "would want" and "would"?

For example, what are the differences among these sentences:

  1. You wanted to do it.
  2. You would want to do it. (I guess it's better to add some words at first of this sentence like "maybe")
  3. You would do it.


There is no problem to me about "want" and "would". my main problem is the difference between these two verb.

What do I know about "Wanted" and "would"?

To me "wanted" and "would" is completely like together and it expresses a willingness in past that is failed.

Best Answer

1: You wanted to do it means that at some point in the past you were willing to do it

2: You would want to do it means that I think you would be willing to do it if... (you knew what it was / you thought about it differently)

3: You would do it means it isn't always something you are willing to do but you may do it if...


Want suggests desire, it implies that you are happy to do something, if you want something you'll take measures to get it (trade, buy, steal...)

  • I want a pony, I'll go out and get one if I can.
  • I wanted to go to London but something stopped me.
  • I would want to go to Spain but I can't afford to.

Willing suggests that you will do something, but you might need to be persuaded or paid. It in no way means want.

  • I am willing to look after a pony, but I'm not going to try to get one.
  • I was willing to go to London but I had no reason to go.
  • I would be willing to go to Spain with you if you want to go, otherwise I would not go.
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