Learn English – ‘the English grammar” vs. “∅ English grammar”


Which article should I use if I want to say, for example:

Let's discuss/Let's talk about (the) English/Russian grammar.

Is the definite article “the” needed here or not?

Best Answer

The definite article is definitely NOT required, as stated by the previous commenter, and is actually more common and natural without it, i.e. Let's discuss Russian grammar. The use of the definite article here is not incorrect, however it is superfluous and awkward, at least to my ear.

In another context, one would say: I'm having trouble with Russian grammar. If one said the Russian grammar here, it would call to mind the grammar textbook, since this is also called a grammar.

Also note the following: Let's discuss...

  • Russian pronunciation, BUT the Russian sound system (or phonology)
  • Russian syntax OR Russian word order [no article]
  • Russian semantics BUT the Russian mentality
  • Russian vocabulary BUT the Russian lexicon
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