Learn English – The female equivalent of “don’t break the balls”


We all know that someone who can never be quiet, who criticizes, moans and nags until your patience wears thin and snaps.

Some men will intimidate the nagger by saying:

Stop breaking my balls!

I think this is a universal expression, it certainly exists in Italy and they have an even more explicit version.

Although Wiktionary tells me about its meaning, it doesn't mention anything about gender. But I always feel silly when I use this vulgar expression myself.

break someone's balls
1. (slang, vulgar) to seriously irritate or nag someone.  
2. (slang, vulgar) to tease or ridicule someone; to take the piss out of someone

On a small number of occasions, I have uttered, half-jokingly

Don't break my uterus!

However, on Google there was only one result

  • Could the uterus version be used in the US, or in the UK?
  • What would be a female equivalent? I would like an expression that cannot be appropriated by men, I want something that says: "I'm a woman, but don't mess around with me."

Best Answer

I'm not sure there's a direct female equivalent, but there's a gender-neutral expression with a similar meaning and level of vulgarity:

Get off my ass!

That being said, I think it's much more common to hear a female speaker use the original "... breaking my balls," then for her to adapt it for female anatomy. I know plenty of women who use the expression "suck my dick".

It takes a listener second or two to realize that "Don't break my uterus!" is a play on the more common expression, which might detract from the impact.

In any case, slang is constantly evolving and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to coin your own phrase. If you say "Don't break my uterus!" you'll probably be understood, and depending on your audience it might be appreciated as creative or as social commentary. But you'll probably be the only person in the world saying it.

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