Idioms – What Is the Kool-Aid Reference?


I’ve heard the expression “someone’s been drinking/drank the cool aid” multiple times. I know coolaid is a drink or something but it doesn’t really make sense in the context. I feel like there’s some type of cultural reference here. Could someone explain what this means?

Best Answer

"Drinking the Kool-Aid" refers to the mass suicide of the "People's Temple" cult at Jonestown, Guyana in 1979. Hundreds of members of the cult are incorrectly believed to have killed themselves by drinking fruit-flavored punch laced with cyanide. Actually, the drink believed to be used was the brand Flavor Aid, NOT the brand Kool-Aid, but "drinking the Kool-Aid" became a saying that means slavish adherence to a delusional belief. This despite the fact that cult members were murdered after trying to escape, rather than slavish adherents. See the 4th Wikipedia paragraph for details.

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