Learn English – the meaning of “every of the sons”


I read this question on facebook,

A man and his wife have three sons and every of the sons has a sister.
How many members are there in the
family ?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 6
D. 12

I've never heard of the construction of type, every of the… What does it mean? Does it mean each of the…?

Best Answer

Not everything you find on the Internet is authentic or genuine, especially social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter where people take all liberty in writing English. The perfect example is the one that you quoted in your sentence.

As StoneyB says, the idiomatic sentence will be...

"...and each of the sons/every one of the sons has a sister. How many members are there in the family?"

To confirm the usage of words, I suggest you searching for the news articles on the Internet or COCA

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