Learn English – the meaning of ‘I am sorry to jump you like this’


I heard a seemingly unusual usage of jump in the movie Michael Clayton:

Michael Clayton: I need a loan. I need 80 grand.

Marty: I thought you were done with all that.

Michael: It's not the cards. It's the restaurant.

Marty: 80,000?

Michael: I'm sorry to jump you like this. I've been trying to meet you alone for two weeks.

Apparently jump here means to surprise or to trouble the other person on short notice. I can't find this usage in dictionaries. Though I was able to find definitions possibly related to this usage in Merriam Webster:

to act, move, or begin before (something, such as a signal)

  • jump the green light

to leave hastily or in violation of contract

  • jump town without paying their bills

What does jump mean exactly in the movie?

Best Answer

As per The Free Dictionary, jump is being used (figuratively) as slang for ambush:

v. tr.

3 Slang To spring upon in sudden attack; assault or ambush: Muggers jumped him in the park.

In other words, Michael is apologizing for springing the request for money on him suddenly and unexpectedly, as somebody would do if they were ambushing and robbing someone.

You can't find it in regular dictionaries because it's slang that hasn't yet become used often enough.