Learn English – The meaning of ‘shed’


The word 'shed' means

  1. a small structure for storage
  2. to cast off hair, skin

And I don't know which meaning is right for the sentence below.
Here is the example (from 'Baker's blue-jay yarn' by Mark Twain)

You may say a cat uses good grammar. Well, a cat does – but you let a cat get excited once; you let a cat get to pulling fur with another cat on a shed, nights, and you will hear grammar that will give you the lockjaw.

The words in bold is what I don't understand the meaning of exactly.

Does it mean

a cat fights with another cat on a shed (a small structure for storage) every night?


a cat fights with another cat every night while shedding (casting off hair)?

Best Answer

Shed as a noun almost always means "a storage building".

Shed as a verb almost always means "losing skin or something covering oneself".

If an article (a/an, the) precedes a word, that strongly indicates it's a noun. So a shed is a noun.

You might see a shedding which would almost always be the gerund/participle form of the verb to shed. This can mean "an event where shedding took place" or "item produced by the act of shedding."

I suppose there may be a tiny chance that to shed means "to put in a shed" but I can't recall ever actually hearing/reading that.

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