Learn English – the meaning of “stand for public office”


In Drama film/Biography film The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), Preacher, Jerry Falwell filed a case on Larry Flynt, Hustler Magazine, in supreme court for potraying his image in satrical parody way in
Hustler magazine. So Chief Justice said this words after hearing
Alan Isaacman,Larry Flynt's lawyer words.

Mr. Isaacman, the First Amendment is not everything. It's a very
important value, but it's not the only value in our society. What
about a value which says good people can enter public life and public
service? The rule you give us says that if you stand for public office
or become a public figure, you cannot protect yourself or indeed your
mother against a parody of your committing incest with her in an
outhouse. Do you think George Washington would've stood for office if
that was the consequence?

What is the meaning of “stand for public office”?

Best Answer

The Oxford Dictionary entry for stand gives this meaning in definition 5:

Be a candidate in an election. Example ‘he stood for parliament in 1968’.

There is an expandable list giving many other examples of similar usage.