Learn English – the meaning of the perfect participle clause ‘anyone having touched this wire…’


  1. Anyone touching this wire will get a shock.

I know here the participle clause means 'anyone who touches this wire..'.
My question is, if I'd use perfect participles(having touched) instead of touching,

  1. Anyone having touched this wire will get a shock.

what does here having touched mean?
( Does it mean like,'Anyone who has touched this wire.. or After anyone has touched this wire he(she) will get a shock.?)

Best Answer

RULE OF THUMB: Use the perfect only if the sense may be paraphrased as a relative clause with a perfect in the tense corresponding to the Reference Time (RT) of your sentence:

Anyone having touched this wire NonPastwill get a shock =
Anyone who NonPasthas touched this wire NonPastwill get a shock.

Anyone having touched this wire Pastwould get a shock =
Anyone who Pasthad touched this wire Pastwould get a shock.

You should not use a perfect here, because that names an event happening at any time before getting the shock; it would imply, for instance, that if I touched the wire yesterday I will get a shock today or tomorrow!

But in these cases the perfect is acceptable, because the prior purchase might have occurred at any time prior to the refund:

okAnyone having bought this item NonPastcan get a refund=
okAnyone who NonPasthas bought this item NonPastcan get a refund.

okAnyone having bought this item Pastcould get a refund =
okAnyone who Pasthad bought this item Pastcould get a refund.