Learn English – the meaning of the phrase: “she sucks badly at it”


What does the phrase: "she sucks badly at it" mean?

My hypotheses are:

  1. She doesn't like it
  2. She is bad at doing it

It is a passage from the Emily Giffin's book "Where We Belong".

If you need more context here it is:

"My dad typically picks up the story from there, telling me how he cut himself shaving, his hands shaking so much that he almost let my mother drive to the hospital, something he never does because she sucks so badly at it. Then he skips ahead to the papers they hurriedly signed, and the moment the lady from the agency returned with a baby—me—swaddled in a pink fleece blanket."

Best Answer

OP's option 2 is correct. idiomeaning.com defines it as:

to be terrible at something

In this instance, their definition is correct.

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