Learn English – the opposite term of ‘Socialization’


The wikipedia definition of the term 'socialization' is as follows :

Lifelong process of inhereting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies

I am looking for a term which will somewhat refer to 'reverse-socialization', or more like the undoing process of -the lifelong process of inhereting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies- so to speak.

I thought about the term 'desocialization' at first; but later got dissapointed when I looked up its definition. It provides with a more passive sense in a rather specific context.

Terms like 'alienation' or 'isolation' do not quite seem to fit in also, as they seem to fail in generalizing the 'undoing process' and do not necessarily refer to a social context, I assume?

Best Answer

The obvious antonym is anti-socialization. The anti prefix fits especially well because of the word antisocial.

For example:

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