Learn English – the person who takes minutes in a meeting called


What do we call a person who takes the minutes in a meeting?

Is it a minute taker, reporter?

Best Answer

For the sake of providing an answer, the appropriate answer is "minutes taker", which you provided in your question.

Minute taker

A minutes taker is the attendee at meeting whose role it is to record the minutes of the meeting. The note taker may be a formal, professional note taker, whose only job is to take notes, or they may be an active participant in the meeting who has taken on the role for that specific meeting.

Take note: A Company Secretary is a person who is supposed to keep the records of a company (for reference, retrieval, etc.). Of course there are other definitions (responsibilities & functions); just want to point out that it is not necessary that a company secretary is always a minutes taker. (This is based on what I notice every time I attend a board meeting)