Learn English – The phonetic transcription of the word ‘copies’


I checked more dictionaries and the phonetic transcription (IPA) for the word: 'copy' is [ˈkɑp i]. It's two syllables with stress on the first syllable.

I know that the plural of "copy" is "copies" and we add that -es suffix. As far as I know the -es suffix phonetically looks like [ɪz]. However, this doesn't make sense to me:

copy [ˈkɒp i]

copies [ˈkɒp i ɪz]

There is a long "i" vowel in the singular and the ɪ in ɪz is a short vowel.
Can someone explain me what is the phonetic transcription of the word "copies" more exactly?

Best Answer

The short I in the "es" suffix gets assimilated (or merged) with /i/ (i.e. the ee vowel) if it precedes it.

e.g. places /ˈpleɪsɪz/ vs. trophies /troʊfiz/.

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