Learn English – the polite way to tell taxi driver that he can stop here


My question is I want to primarily give the driver a choice. The secondary consideration is not being rude.

I take taxi to home. My home is in a community. I often tell taxi driver "You can stop here." when the taxi is at the gate of my community. In this way, the taxi remains on the big street, he doesn't have to drive into my community and make many turns.

If I say "Can you stop here?", it seems I am requesting him to stop here. I'm of cause happy if he want to drive to the front of my house. And my community has some exits. Who knows if one exit is convenient for the taxi's next destination.

I just want to tell him that he can stop at the gate. He can drive to the front of my house if he want.

Many of my friends tell me "You can" means I'm a master, he is my slave, I'm giving permission to him to stop here. That is not what I want.

What is the polite way to tell taxi driver that he can stop here?

Best Answer

There are many options to choose from. Here are a few that are polite.

"You can stop off here, if you like; I can easily walk to my apartment from this corner."

Another option is:

"My home is inside this community, but to save you needing to drive through you are welcome to drop me off here."

Your friend is not correct is saying that the "can" connotes a master/slave relationship, as it all depends on other matters - e.g. your tone of voice, how friendly you have been during the journey, etc.

Regardless, by adding "if you like" you give the driver the option.

Better still, give the driver notice a block or two earlier, by saying something like: "I live in the XYZ community at 123 Smith St. You're welcome to drive through or drop me off at the gate." The driver then makes his/her own choice.