Learn English – the positive form of “stalk”


What I want is the verb that has the meaning of "stalk", as in a person following someone he or she likes, but which doesn't have any negative meaning like "stalk".

For example,

She asked him, "Why don't you ask me out? You're always just verb me all the time."

Stalking is obviously illegal and considered a crime, but I want to know a verb that indicates a guy just following/chasing a girl he likes since he truly loves her. No bad connotation. And for the verbs "follow" or "chase", I wasn't sure either if I could use these or not.

Best Answer

Well, usually when a man loves a woman and follows her around he actually tails after her.

I'm not sure if they are common but here are some of the phrases I heard:

  1. to tail after - to follow someone or something
  2. to follow someone around/about - to follow someone wherever they go (I would stick to this expression in your context)
  3. to hound someone = to follow someone in a determined way in order to get something from them

Here's is what I suggest:

  1. She asked him, "Why don't you ask me out? You're following me around like a puppy all the time."
  2. She asked him, "Why don't you ask me out? You're tailing after me like a duckling all the time."