Learn English – the preposition after “get stuck”


I would like to ask what is the correct preposition after the phrase "get stuck" when you want to figuratively express that you are bogged down. For example you are dealing with a logical task and you are not able to find out the correct solution. Is it "I have got stuck with/on/with…"?

Best Answer

Consider these possibilities:

I am stuck on the database problem.

This means you can't continue because you can't figure out how to solve the database problem.

You could also say

I am stuck at the database problem.

This means much the same thing, with the nuance that you are stuck at the point of the database problem among a set of tasks you are trying to address serially. You probably can't do anything else till you solve that one. If you use on it might suggest you could do other parts of the task while waiting for enlightenment on the database issue. But on and at are pretty much interchangeable here. I would expect to hear on more frequently.

I got stuck with the database problem.

This means someone left you or assigned you the database problem to solve (with overtones of it being an unpleasant or difficult task).

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