Learn English – the preposition that I should put after the verb “recommend” and before object pronoun


What is the preposition that I should put after the verb "recommend" and before an object pronoun?

For example:

"I have a friend who learns English, but the problem is that he uses
"google translate" which is full of mistakes. I would like to
recommend (to?) him about a better dictionary that he can use.

Best Answer

Yes, the correct preposition is to.

Often these questions can be answered with the help of a collocation dictionary, e.g. this one.

I should say that there are other problems with your sentences. In the first one, you don't say *who learns English but who is learning English. Also, you don't recommend (to someone) about something, but instead you recommend something: I would like to recommend to him a better dictionary (or I would like to recommend a better dictionary to him); also possible are I would like to recommend him to use a better dictionary and I would like to recommend a better dictionary for him to use.

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