Learn English – The pronunciation of the word “honest” is with “h” or without


I would like to know and to get some information about the pronunciation of the word "honest".

Some people told me that it's pronounced without the first letter "h" (as if: onest) but some told me that it's pronounced with the "h" as a full form pronunciation (honest). Who's right? or does it depend on the country?

Best Answer

These sources

  1. dictionary.com
  2. merriam-webster.com
  3. dictionary.cambridge.org
  4. thefreedictionary.com
  5. oxforddictionaries.com

say that the pronunciation is without the "h". I've never personally heard it with the "h". It's possible that some people do pronounce it with the "h", but I feel that they are the minuscule minority. So, I would say you are safest saying "onest", without the "h".

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