Learn English – the pronunciation of “Will you” in fast/connected speech


I usually pronounce "will you" as "/wɪ/ + /lju:/", but seems that people have some troubles understanding me (at least here in the UK). Is my pronunciation wrong? That's the way we usually make the linking sound between a consonant and a vowel. If so, what should be the proper pronunciation? Should this be as "/wɪl/ + /lju:/" (that's how google translator pronounces it, apparently)? Or there's no way to connect these words and I should say "/wɪl/ + /ju:/" ?

Best Answer

Before being able to respond, I would need to know whether or not you are a native English speaker and which region or country you come from. There are several regional variants in English which can to some extent be mutually unintelligible; for example, I am Scottish, from Glasgow, and once knew a man from the Newcastle area whose Geordie accent I found very difficult to understand.

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