Learn English – The right position of “both”


I wrote this sentence:

Spelling words in English is challenging for both native speakers and language learners.

I feel it is correct, but I am little confused about using "both", could the sentence be:

Spelling words in English is challenging both for the native speakers and the language learners.

What is the normal position of "both"?

Best Answer

Consider these figures from Google Books...

both for A and B - 8 results
both for A and for B - 7 results
for both A and B - About 495 results

In most cases we try to put both as near as possible to the two things being referenced. If you allow a preposition like for to intervene unnecessarily, you force the reader/listener to (momentarily) suspend parsing until the next word, since both could feasibly apply to for...

Some Greeks are both for and against austerity - they simply don't know which way to turn.

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