Learn English – the same company as / the same company that – Which one is the best choice


Here's the context:

A friend of mine is working at a company A and another company, B, is offering him a job in their company with a high salary. So, he is thinking of changing his company. And I'd like to introduce a person working in the company B.

  1. I have a friend working at the same company as the company that you are thinking of moving to.

  2. I have a friend working at the same company that you are thinking of moving to.

  3. I have a friend working at the same company as you are thinking of moving to.

I think #1 is the most basic sentence (grammatically correct) and the other ones depend on preference. So I think I can use whichever I want. Am I right to think this way? In addition, I'm not sure if it is correct use 'move to another company' in this context?

Best Answer

Option #1

This is acceptable, but rather wordy, and so would not be favoured.

Option #2

This is the best choice. The sentence flows nicely and makes perfect sense.

Option #3

This is unacceptable, due to the improper usage of the word as.


Moving is correct in this context, but you could replace it with 'taking up a job with', if you wished. For example:

I am taking up a job with Google next week

Instead of:

I am moving to Google next week

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