Learn English – The sentence with all but


I've made the sentence:

The airport was built all but with the techonology I mentioned

I'm trying to learn how to use the all but idiom in the sentences. I'm nt sure about the sentence, it seems a little wierd to me.

Best Answer

I think why your construction sounds weird is the placement of the word "with".

It seems like it should be:

The airport was built with all but the technology I mentioned earlier.

"All but" is modifying "the technology I mentioned earlier". Here, it's short for "all (technology) but the technology I mentioned earlier", where the "but" is to mean "except". It's strange to move the "with" in between them for the same reason it would be strange to see:

The airport was built all technology but with the technology I mentioned earlier.

And this clearly doesn't make sense since with our conjunction "but", we should be able to look at the first phrase and have them make sense:

The airport was built all technology

Clearly, this is begging for a "with" between "built" and "all technology".

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