Learn English – the “small window” on a web page called


Sometimes, we see on sites a type of small window of which we to choose between some choices. It can be between male/female, or more choices in case of title: Ms. Mrs. Dr. Prof. etc. What is called?

I want to refer to it, and I don't know how to do it.

"Do you see the small window (?) bellow for the title? Great. Now open it and choice the title you
want us to address to you".

See the attached example:

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's called a drop-down menu.

From Cambridge, a drop-down menu is a list of choices on a computer screen that is hidden until you choose to look at it.

"Do you see the drop-down menu for the title? Great. Now open (or click) it and choose/select the title you want us to address you with".

There are other variations of this, for example, a drop-down list. This variation seems to be used more commonly than other options. See this Ngram.