Learn English – the symbol for an “Answer”, if so why we’re not using that


I know the symbol of question is '?', we use that to ask a question verbally.

But when giving the answer is there any symbol to denote that and if so why we are not using any symbol to mention the same?

Best Answer

There is no answer mark per se in the way there is a question mark
Questions usually ask one of the following


and are ended with a "?"

Answers are usually statements of fact and end in either

"!"(exclamation mark)

sometimes a question may be answered with a question which ends with a "?" and this can frustrate the questioner.

Answers can start with the word because

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road
A: Because he wanted to get to the other side

You might think of because as an answer marker, however not all answers use "because".

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