Learn English – The use of an article before a possessive proper noun – The late Michael Jackson’s old home


I was pretty confirmed of not using any article before a proper noun that shows possessiveness.

The Maulik's car -incorrect
Maulik's car -correct

But then, I came across this piece of news on PopDust

The late Michael Jackson’s old home, Neverland Ranch, renamed back to its original name of Sycamore Valley Ranch, is up for sale for a reported $100 million.

Explain please.

Best Answer

Normally, a person's name is definite enough by itself, and there's no reason to add the definite article to it.  So, Maulik is simply "Maulik", and Maulik's car is simply "Maulik's car".

Sometimes, a person's name isn't quite definite enough.  Perhaps there is more than one Maulik.  We might need to distinguish between Mauliks.  I could say "the Maulik who asked this question" or "the Maulik from Ahmedabad".  Perhaps the other Maulik is shorter, and I could say "the taller Maulik".

Once we've added a modifier to your name -- anything from a simple adjective to an entire relative clause -- then we can no longer treat the name itself as definitive.  We have reason to use the definitive article.  That reason remains regardless of grammatical case.  We use "the" with the possessive case the same as we do with the subjective and objective cases.