Learn English – The use of “contact someone with something”


With these facts, Katia figures out that her dad would be living in a
country which has a warm climate where orchids can grow, has Tamil as
one of its official languages and where advanced medical treatments
are available. Just as she is about to determine the country, 47
bursts through the door, shoots Smith in the chest, and knocks Katia
unconscious. Elsewhere, 47's handler Diana contacts another Agent
with a contract.

Plot: Hitman: Agent 47

The use of "contact someone with a contract" sounds a bit unconventional to me.

We can provide / supply / present someone with something, as is exemplified by the online dictionaries. But the dictionaries don't include the collocation of "contact someone with something".

Without any context, I think there would be an ambiguity in "A contacted B with a contract". It could mean "A had a contract and contacted B", or "A contacted B to award B a contract". Do I get it right?

In the quoted example, I think "with a contract" acts as the object complement.

Then let's generalize this use:

A visited / approached / ran to / notified / engaged B with a contract.

Do they sound natural to a native speaker's ear?

Best Answer

There is ambiguity in your isolated phrase

A contacted B with a contract

the possibilities are

Is A merely contacting B and one of them has a contract?
Does A have the contract?
Does B have the contract?
Does A have the contract with the intent of giving it to B after contacting B?

By the Law of Proximity(1)

A contacted B with a contract (B has the contract)
With a contract, A contacted B (A has the contract)

Because of context from your passage

A (has a contract and has) contacted B with (said) contract (to give to B)

since A is B's handler and handlers do not phone-in for updates, they wait to be notified (minimal communication)

In your example question

A visited / approached / ran to / notified / engaged B with a contract.

Let's try this

John visited Jane with flowers
John visited Jane with Sally

I think most people would interpret it as the flowers and Sally were with John

John approached Jane with Sally
John ran to Jane with Sally
John notified Jane with Sally

would also be interpreted as Sally being with John

change with to and and any ambiguity disappears

John approached Jane and Sally
John ran to Jane and Sally
John notified Jane and Sally


John saw Jane with Sally

would usually be interpreted as Jane and Sally were together.

(1) this may not be a real law, but is usually understood

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