Grammar – The Use of “in” or “on” in Context


Tell me please which preposition is correct to use in the following sentence.

We are going to work the shoulders in/on the next workout.

I am leaning towards in, but not 100℅ sure if it is correct, if it is not, then why?

Best Answer

Using in sounds sounds more natural in this context; it implies that working the shoulders is a component of the next workout and is loosely synonymous with many alternative words which may be used in this phrase, for example:

We are going to work the shoulders in the next workout.

We are going to work the shoulders as part of the next workout.

We are going to work the shoulders during the next workout.

Whereas, the use of on in the same phrase focuses more on the time of the next workout and seems to evoke a similar meaning to:

We are going to work the shoulders next time.

We are going to work the shoulders on the next occasion.

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