Learn English – the verb for “to give someone admission to a place”


What is the verb for "giving admission to someone" e.g. in a clinic? How can I say?

An old man with thyroid mass was given admission to our clinic.

Can I say?

An old man with thyroid mass was admissioned to our clinic.

However, I didn't find admission usage as verb. Is there a suitable verb for this usage?

Best Answer

The verb is admit, and the passive is BE admitted, so:

An old man with a thyroid mass was admitted to our clinic.

This is the sort of thing that a good dictionary should provide as a matter of course. I am shocked to find that none of the four online dictionaries I consulted did so. The nearest any of them came was Merriam-Webster's first definition:

  1. a : the act or process of admitting
    b : the state or privilege of being admitted

Oxford offers this, under Origin after its definitions.

Late Middle English: from Latin admissio(n-), from the verb admittere (see admit).

I suppose they feel that giving you a broad hint is sufficient.

It may be helpful to know that most -mission words are similarly verbed: commission < commit, emission < emit, permission < permit, remission < remit, transmission < transmit. However, there is no verb form in ordinary use for intermission or for bare mission.

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