Learn English – the verb that better matches up with “achievement”


Is it better to say

Earn an achievement


Obtain an achievement

Which one is correct? Is there another verb that is more suitable for "achievement"?

Best Answer

When discussing video games, you can say "obtain an achievement". In video games, there is often a reward for doing something. (For example, you might get an extra life upon scoring 5,000 points.) In this example, the phrase "obtain an achievement" refers to both scoring your 5,000th point, and obtaining the extra life. The emphasis is on the moment at which you receive the reward, not on the previous 4,999 points.

In most other contexts, "earn an achievement" or "achieve <something>" sounds more natural. This is because the emphasis is on the work you did to achieve that <something>, not on the action by which someone gives you a prize.

"Obtain a reward" and "win a prize" also sound natural. This is because the emphasis is on receiving the prize, not on your effort to be worthy of the prize.

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