Learn English – the word that means “not saying anything bad in any way about someone”


I have this sentence where I used the word infringement, and I think I'm exaggerating things a bit by choosing it. Moreover, I want it to mean: not saying anything bad in any way about someone, not speaking of them badly.

The sentence:

How do I explain my stance without infringement his family and without
putting myself in an awkward position in front of him?

So, is there a suitable word to put it instead of infringement?

Also, about the word stance, does it mean position? And, does it fit in that sentence?

Best Answer

Because your question asks for a term that means the opposite of "infringing" or "disparaging", the word I would recommend is "tact."


a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense

The peace talks required great tact on the part of both leaders.

The word "tact" is often used in the form of an adjective ("tactful") or an adverb ("tactfully"). One might also say that something must be said "with tact." The sentence you provided could then become:

How do I explain my stance with tact, so that I do not offend his family or put myself in an awkward position with him?