Learn English – Their body? their bodies


  1. They should remove toxins from their bodies.
  2. They should remove toxins from their body.

I am confused about these two sentences above.
I think the first sentence is correct because 'their' means more than one person and the body must be more than one.
However, I wonder if their bodies could mean each person has more than one body.
The reason I ask this question is because of the sentence below.

Frogs spend most of their life in water.

If 'their bodies' is correct, Should 'their life' in this sentence be 'their lives' because 'frogs' is plural?

Best Answer

  1. They should remove toxins from their body.
  2. They should remove toxins from their bodies.

If the entities (they) share a common body then the 1-st is correct otherwise the 2-nd is correct. Notice that "their" can either mean their own body(ies) or some body(ies) belonging to them.

  • They should remove toxins from their body. (Several men should remove toxins from a body of another man. The body belongs to the several men.)
  • They should remove toxins from their body. (Several men should remove toxins from a single body of theirs) - This is illogical.

"To talk about several people each doing the same thing, English usually prefers a plural noun for the repeated idea. Plural forms are almost always used in this case if there are possessives." Practical English Usage by Michael Swan, entry #530.1 AND: "After a plural possessive we do not normally use a singular noun in the sense of 'one each'." same, entry #441.4. This is called the 'distributive use'.

As for the "frogs" example. The sentence is speaking about the life of the species not individual frogs.

  • Frogs spend most of their life in water. (Each frog within the species "frogs" spends its life in water)

This can apply even to a particular group or subset.

  • Cave frogs spend most of their life in dark caves.

The easy way to understand it is to take a loving couple and imagine them either as a couple or as separate individuals:

  • Their life is full of adventures. (They both share one life)
  • Their lives are full of adventures. (Each of them has their own life)
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