Learn English – There are many ways to say “from now on,…” or “After this…’ or etc, but actually which expressions are more commonly used in everyday English


As far as l can gather, there are there are many ways to say "from here on,…" or "After this…" or etc, but actually what expressions are more commonly used in everyday English?


e.g. Elizabeth Gaskell's novel "Ruth" will hereafter be cited within the text as EG.

from now on/as from now:

e.g. From now on the gates will be locked at midnight


e.g. Henceforth, said building shall be the property of Brendan Duggan.

If there are some other common expressions (that I didn't mention), please tell me.

And also If you mentioned two expressions like X and Y, please specify that:
In written/spoken English, people often prefer to use X rather than Y.

Best Answer

In "everyday" English (by which I assume you mean informal, that is, they type of loose language used, for example, when speaking to friends) expressions such as "from now on", "from here on out", and "after this" are more commonly used in general.

"Henceforth" and "Hereafter" examples of a more formal expression, generally more archaic in nature, such as that used in a court of law or academic publishing. Most people do not use formal language outside of formal situations.