Learn English – There’s a thing for measuring a child’s height. What is it called in English


I'm not sure whether this is a growth chart, height chart or height measurement.
Its photo is at this website.


Best Answer

The image depicts a "height ruler." To be more precise, it is a wall-mounted height ruler. Friendly decoration on a height ruler is common in a pediatric (kids) doctor's office. The photo shows a person taking the height measurement of a child.

A "height chart" is group of data points (height) taken over time and plotted on a chart or graph. Many families will make a chart of their children's growth by marking a door frame with a pencil and making note of the individual child's initials and the date.

Of course there is no reason that a person cannot use the depicted ruler as a chart as well by recording the height on the ruler. There is no way to tell if this is happening in the photo, but I don't see a writing implement in the man's hand.