Learn English – “there’s more where that came from”


That may be just the beginning of Russia’s growing presence. In addition, Iran is worried that Syria will fall to Syrian rebels backed by Saudi Arabia, Tehran’s enduring rival in the region, and so has extended a $1 billion credit line to Assad’s regime to help it import critical goods and commodities. Iran’s escape from sanctions—and its ability to earn more revenue by producing an additional one million barrels of oil per day by late next year—suggest there’s more where that came from.

Source: http://time.com/4039940/these-5-facts-explain-bashar-assads-hold-in-syria/

I am not able to figure out the meaning of the bold part of above text. Not sure which noun the pronoun "that" represents in the clause. Can you tell me what does exactly Iran’s escape from sanctions suggest?

Best Answer

There’s [plenty] more where that came from! is an idiomatic informal expression often used after an act of aggression, telling whoever you've just attacked that you are able and willing to continue hostilities if the victim doesn't concede defeat (you still have more aggressive capabilities in reserve).

In the cited context, "that" refers back to the fact that Iran has lent Assad’s regime $1b. The writer is saying that since the rest of the world haven't imposed effective economic sanctions on Iran for doing this, there's every reason to suppose that they will continue to support Assad with further loans in future. They've still got plenty more money, and a (probably increasing) wish to keep Assad in power.

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