Determiners – ‘These Organizations’ or ‘Those Organizations’?


Consider a hypothetical quote:

Each day we gather information from manufacturers, distributors,
Russian and foreign vendors, research centers. The reliability of the
sources is ensured by our contacts with employees in those

Those is used to describe objects that are more distant, either physically or in the abstract sense. But could we say "these organizations" here, since they have been introduced in the first sentence and hence made somewhat "closer" to the reader? Or would that be a mistake?

Best Answer

Those is used to describe objects that are more distant, either physically or in the abstract sense.

This says it all! Here, distant does not refer to the placement of those words in the sentence. This answers your concern with first sentence mentioning. Others may answer various aspects.

Check this -

I have many relatives in New York, Sydney, and Tokyo. Those all (relatives) have their own cars.