Grammar Comparison: ‘They Are All Happy’ vs ‘They All Are Happy’


  1. They are all happy
  2. They all are happy
  3. All they are happy

What is the difference among them?

Best Answer

#1 and #2 are different.

#1 shows that they have only one emotion -- happiness. They aren't also surprised. There is no hint of wonderment. They are completely, unabashedly, and identically happy. The inclusion of every person is less clear, and may be contradicted. The sentence is perhaps idiomatic. Consider this: "The children were all giddy when the clown appeared, but not all of them. Sam retreated to the rear wall, terrified."

#2 shows that all of them, everyone, is happy. Happiness need not be exclusive or all-consuming. For each of them, they are describable as happy.

#3 as it stands isn't grammatically complete. If it were changed to "All they are is happy", it would be like #1, but with more emphasis.