Learn English – “they say she had a pretty hand” – What does it mean


This is from Rewards and Fairies by Rudyard Kipling. (E-texts.)

'Did her ministers ever open Queen Elizabeth's letters ?' said Una.
'Faith, yes! But she'd have done as much for theirs, any day. You are to think of Gloriana, then (they say she had a pretty hand), excusing herself
thus to the company – – for the Queen's time is never her own .

I do not understand the meaning.

Queen Elizabeth opened the letters of her ministers on any day?

Her hands were literally pretty?

I am glad if someone would give me some advice.

Best Answer


Yes, the Queen's ministers opened her letters; but equally, she would do the same thing with their letters, at any time. So you should think of the Queen (they say she had beautiful handwriting) excusing herself thus . . .

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