Learn English – They seem to be close to each another. – is it right here


There is a picture of a family. There is a group of 4 people talking to one another pleasantly. In this situation, can I say like this?

  1. They seem to be close to one another.

  2. They seem to be close all together.

  3. They seem to be close to each another.

I think #1 and 2 are good, but #3 is not right grammatically because there are more than 2. Am I right?

Best Answer

Number 1 is good. It implies that they are not only in physical proximity, but also "close" emotionally.

Number 2 is not right, because we do not say "close all together". If you mean simply that they are grouped tightly in the photo, say:

  • [in the photo] they are all close together.

You are correct that number 3 is wrong, but it is not because there are more than two in the photo. We simply do not say "each another".

Replace it, either with "one another" or with "each other".

  • They seem to be close to {each other/ one another}.