Learn English – This is the first time + continuous


I know that the standard construction with "this is the first time" is the Present Perfect.

1) This is the first time I have driven a car.

But what if the action is still in progress and I am still driving talking on the mobile phone? Is it correct to use "the Present Perfect Continuous"?

2) This is the first time I have been driving a car.

Or maybe there might be some other examples where the Present Perfect Continuous would fit it.

Best Answer

I think when you use a phrase like:

the first time
the second time
the next time

because you used (some) time, you are referring to an event, therefore the following phrase needs to refer to a whole event as if completed.
So Present Perfect should be used.

This is the first time I have driven a car.

Even if you are still driving in the car, this is what you would say.

For example, you can say:

This is the second time I have gone to that store.

but you would not say:

This is the second time I have been going to that store.

And you would say:

Next time I will go to the beach by myself.

In the case of Present Perfect Continuous usages, in this example:

Next time I will be going to the beach by myself.

you could use such form, but some additional reference is needed in context:

Next time I will be going to the beach by myself because you did not have a good time.