Learn English – This is the watch that I (have/had/–) lost. — what’s the difference


I've got a sentence on a learner's site, "This is the watch that I had lost" and now it's puzzling me. What's the rule to use the Past Perfect here? And why should I use specifically this tense?

It's stated, that this sentence is right and well-formed. But if someone replaced "had" by "have":
"This is the watch that I have lost", it would be impossible unless the watch is shown on a photo. Is it right?

Why can't I just use the Past Simple here: "This is the watch that I lost" ?

Best Answer

As you say, what you would ordinarily say is

This is the watch that I lost.

If you are required by the imbecility of testwriters to use a perfect, it must be a past perfect.

Because you now have the watch, you cannot say that you have lost it (except in a very unlikely 'experiential' sense of the perfect). Consequently, only the past perfect would be at all likely.

  • CORRECTION, thanks to Sydney: It is also possible that you don't have the watch but are "showing a photo of" it; in this case the present perfect would be appropriate—but not required.

However, the past perfect is not required; in fact, it is inappropriate unless there is in the discourse some salient past time to which the perfect is related. For instance:

Officer Thomas arrested me for behaving suspiciously, even though I told him I was looking for my watch. But my friend Joe went back and found it, right where I was looking. This is the very watch that I had lost!