Learn English – This is vs I am [introduce self sms/whatsapp/email]


How can I introduce myself when I text to someone who knows me for the first time after I got her number or when I use a different phone number or when I send an email?

Usually, I use "I am (Igor)."

Is it correct?
How is the difference from "this is"?

I suppose just of "feeling" (AmE and BrE).

Best Answer

This is X (or just It's X) are more natural when introducing yourself to someone who knows you, but doesn't know you're the one speaking or texting.

I am X or My name is X are - in my opinion - better used when introducing yourself to someone who doesn't know you, or doesn't know your name.

A good way to remember that is to consider which question you've been asked - an English speaker would typically ask *Who's that?*or Who's speaking? in the former case, and Who are you? in the latter.

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