Learn English – This is will be / This will be


I've never seen such a structure like Sentence (1) I think it should be like sentence (2) But I found it everywhere on the internet…
if we have just a future tense why thee is "is" before "will" ???

1) This is will be great for me.

2) This will be great for me.

Which grammar rule can explain such wired structure? (Wired for me of course)

Best Answer

The first is not good English grammar. The Internet is filled with poor grammar. People are writing quickly and make mistakes. People who do not know English well may use it on the Internet. And finally people abbreviate on the Internet.

"This is or will be great for me" is perfectly good English. Someone in a hurry may deliberately leave out the "or" in the hope that the reader will supply it. Or someone may just forget to insert the "or."

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